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Home / Mental Health/ Helpful Apps

Helpful Apps (for iPhone and Android Users):

 Calm: mindfulness app helping you to pause and refocus your attention, manage anxiety, sleep better, and rejuvinate your body. Free 7 day trial available, cost for annual membership.

 Finch: Self Care Pet: free self care app, take care of your pet by taking care of yourself.

 Happy Color: free coloring app to help you relax.

 Headspace: meditation app designed to help teach you mindfulness skills in just a few minutes a day. Free 14 day trial available.

 Insight Timer: free app designed to help calm your mind, manage your stress, reduce anxiety, help with deeper sleep, and improve overall happiness.

 Mindshift CBT: free anxiety relief app using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to empower your ways of thinking and help you relax.

 PTSD Coach: free app developed by Veterans Canada to help you learn about and manage symptoms that often occur after trauma.

 Smiling Mind: free app to practice daily meditation and mindfulness